The girl went to the cosmetologist to make eyebrows, but strongly regretted it. The simple procedure caused her to have a severe allergic reaction, and not only did it temporarily deprive her of vision, but also made her look like a Cyclops.
A TikTok user under the nickname milliebucknall shared a warning with her followers: she just wanted to go through a popular procedure, and ended up in the hospital. The girl signed up for a cosmetology clinic in order to have her eyebrows laminated, writes the Irish Sun.

She expected that she would not have to go to a cosmetologist for several months, but she did not expect that she would end up in the hospital with a severe allergic reaction. On the first day ticktockers boasted the look of her new, well-groomed eyebrows.

But the next day milliebucknall realized that something had gone wrong. She felt a strong burning sensation and her eyelids began to swell.

On the third day, the situation got even worse: her eyebrows looked like they had never been to a cosmetologist. The redness was getting stronger, and ticktockers was beginning to experience pain.

But that was just the beginning. On the fifth or sixth day, the girl developed severe edema in the area of her eyebrows and eyes, which made it difficult for her to even open her eyes.

And the place where the lamination serum was applied was covered with terrible dark brown scabs.

Now a lover of cosmetic procedures considers it his duty to warn people that you can not carelessly treat even the simplest services. After eight days of fighting the swelling, she finally went to the hospital.