13 people who dreamed of delicious food, but got some madness instead of food

Some restaurants prefer to win visitors with delicious dishes, while others focus on non-banal serving. But restaurants that have chosen the second strategy can easily go too far. After all, the line between appropriate creativity and crazy antics is thinner than it seems.

13 “This is the dish that was brought to me in a 5-star hotel”

12 “Yes, my food was on the plate. Only the plate was turned upside down”

11 “That’s the same tile they had in the toilet”

10 “The appetizer was served in a Shoe. I wanted to try on these shoes and take them home, but I was forbidden”

9 What happened to the other half of the plate?

8 “I have no idea what to eat here and what not to eat”

7 Not the most convenient serving of Caesar salad

6 “They brought me 3 slices of chips on a log”

5 Goat’s horn and straw for a plate

4 Coconut ice cream

3 “My dish was served in a toaster”

2 “Why did they do this?”

1 “Some of the most delicious burgers I’ve ever eaten were brought to the bone”



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