16 myths about coronavirus that can cost you nerves and even your life

First, let’s look at the terms. 2019-nCoV is the provisional name of the coronavirus. Today, it is officially called SARS-CoV‑2. And the disease that causes this SARS is named the coronavirus disease (COVID‑19) and the virus that causes it COVID‑2019 (“coronavirus disease — 2019”).

16 myths about coronavirus
16 myths about coronavirus

Here is a list of myths about how the virus spreads and what to do to avoid infection.

1 Coronavirus has a low mortality rate


Indeed, the death rate announced by experts seems to be low.

The mortality rate from the new coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is about 3.4%

Bruce Aylward, senior adviser to the Director-General of WHO, head of the WHO international expert mission team

Whether 3,4% is a lot or not is a moot point. But it is pretty clear that this rate is times higher than the death rate from flu, which covid‑2019 is compared with oftenly. According to the statistic, the average lethality of seasonal flu is no more than 0.13% in the worst years. 3.4% is almost 30 times more.

And that’s not all. The death rate reported by the WHO representatives is most likely inaccurate. It is calculated by dividing the number of deaths by the total number of cases on a given date. Let’s say that on February 20, the number of confirmed cases was 2,000, and the number of deaths was 60. Divide 60 by 2,000 and we get 0.03, or 3%.

The problem is that SARS-CoV-2 has a long incubation period, with an average of 14 (up to 27) days after infecting. And the duration of the disease itself is long. Thus, the average time gap between the appearance of the first symptoms and hospitalization is around 10.5 days. Thus, on February 20, death toll includes people that were infected much earlier — in early February. But at the beginning of February, the number of cases was only, for example, 600 people. And in this case, the mortality rate jumps up sharply: 60 divided by 600, we get 10%.

Conclusion: it will be possible to accurately determine the covid‑2019 mortality rate only after the epidemic ends and the total number of cases and deaths becomes clear. Earlier estimates are a kind of fortune-telling on coffee grounds.

2 Coronavirus is no more dangerous than the flu

COVID vs Flu

This conclusion is often made based on the fact that many people COVID‑2019 proceeds as a normal SARS, and some people do not feel it at all. But “many” does not mean “all”.

China does not provide complete information, but it is already clear that the new disease lasts much longer than the flu, and often goes so hard that the victims have to be hospitalized in intensive care units. The number of severe patients requiring resuscitation reaches 20% of the total number of infected. Moreover, 5% require artificial lungs ventilation, and 15% – oxygen therapy (inhaling air with a high concentration of oxygen) for a long time, at least a few days.

In”severe” cases, the disease lasts on average from 3 to 6 weeks. “Light” patients recover in two weeks, which is also significantly longer than the duration of normal SARS.

In General, you should treat COVID‑2019 very carefully. “Just like the flu” is just a soothing illusion.

3 Only elderly people with poor health become victims of coronavirus

Elderly people with poor health become victims of coronavirus

In fact, people of all ages, including children and young people, get sick.

According to the Chinese Centers for disease control and prevention, almost half of those who were detected with COVID‑2019 are less than 49 years old.

4 To get sick, it is enough to be in the same room with an infected person

COVID transmission

SARS‑CoV‑2 refers to respiratory viruses. This means that it is transmitted mainly by airborne droplets — that is, by inhaling droplets that are released from the patient’s nose or mouth when sneezing and coughing.

This type of infection can’t spread through the air over long distances. This is due to the fact that the drops in which it is enclosed are quite heavy and quickly settle down.

Therefore, you can only get infected by close contact-being at a distance of up to 2 meters with an infected person. It is relatively safe to fly in the same plane, ride in the same subway car, work in the same office, or walk down the same street with a sick person. Unless you’re practically walking right up to him or her.

5 The virus cannot be transmitted through objects

Wrong. you can get infected with Coronavirus if you touch the surface on which it has settled, and then scratch your lips, nose, or eye with the same unwashed hand — in General, onto the virus on the mucous membranes.

This method of infection is more rare than airborne. Nevertheless, it is also a danger.

Paper notes and coins are especially dangerous because they are constantly being passed from hand to hand. This is why the Chinese authorities have even introduced strict requirements for disinfecting money. Banks are required to process them using ultraviolet radiation or high temperatures, and then seal the decontaminated currency in a dry place for up to 14 days.

But postal parcels, for example from AliExpress, are currently considered safe.

6 The virus only spreads through the air and through objects

wash your hands after visiting the restrooms

Not only. Most likely, SARS-CoV‑2 can also be transmitted with faecal matter, including through sewers. The possibility of such a pathway for the spread of coronavirus, scientists suggested after some patients showed not only respiratory, but also gastrointestinal symptoms: abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea.

So touching the door handles in public toilets should be even more careful than to any other surfaces. And you must wash your hands after visiting the restrooms.

7 The new coronavirus can be carried by mosquitoes

The route of transmission of SARS‑CoV‑2 are not yet well understood, and scientists have already made a mistake about them once (when at the start of all history they assumed that this type of coronavirus is not transmitted from person to person).

However, there is currently no evidence that the infection can be spread by insects

8 Coronavirus can be contracted from Pets

There is no proof of this either.

However, WHO recommends that you still wash your hands with warm water and soap after contact with animals. This should protect against bacteria such as E. coli and Salmonella.

9 If you breathe cold air, you can recover faster

According to WHO, inhaling cold air will not help.

According to WHO, inhaling cold air will not help.

The body temperature of a healthy person is kept in the range of 36.5-37 °C, regardless of the ambient temperature. This is enough for the virus to continue multiplying in the body.

10 Garlic can boost the immune system and protect against coronavirus

there is no scientific evidence that garlic protects against COVID‑2019

According to some reports, garlic really improves the immune system and reduces the risk of getting SARS.

However, there is no scientific evidence that garlic protects against COVID‑2019.

11 Ultraviolet lighting and spraying liquids with alcohol and chlorine kills the virus

Ultraviolet lighting

This is disputable. In some cases, such measures will not only not help, but also harm. For example, if you sterilize your hands with UV radiation, you can earn erythema (irritation) of the skin. And spraying alcohol and chlorine-containing liquids can harm clothing and respiratory organs.

However, alcohol and chlorine can be effective means of surface disinfection — they can be used to wipe door handles, dishes, and common items.

12 To avoid getting sick, you need to wash your nose

Washing nose with saline solution

There is no scientific evidence to date that regular nasal flushing with saline solution protects against SARS‑CoV‑2.

Although performing this procedure to prevent common SARS is a good idea.

13 To protect yourself from the coronavirus, you need to take antiviral drugs

It is far from certain that they will help.

Medicines intended for the prevention and treatment of COVID-2019 do not yet exist.

14 A vaccine against pneumonia can protect you from complications of the coronavirus

vaccine against pneumonia

The idea of using drugs against lung inflammation, at first glance, seems good, because SARS-CoV‑2 attacks the lungs. However, who authoritatively States that vaccination against pneumonia, such as pneumococcal vaccine or the type B Hemophilus Bacillus vaccine (Hib), is not able to prevent complications from the new coronavirus.

SARS‑CoV‑2 is fundamentally different from the already known infections, and it requires a special vaccine. Currently, it is only being developed.

15 To avoid getting sick, it is enough to wear a medical mask

COVID security measures

The mask is only an auxiliary tool. It will be ineffective if other rules are not followed. Here’s what you need to do to really reduce the risk of infection and prevent the infection from spreading further:

  • Avoid contact with sick people-those who cough, sneeze, or have a high temperature.
  • If you are ill yourself, even if it is a common cold, stay at home.
  • If you sneeze or cough, try to cover your mouth with a paper napkin or at least an elbow. This is important to reduce the risk of airborne infection.
  • Wean yourself from the habit of putting your hands to your mouth, nose, and eyes.
  • Wash your hands often with warm water and soap. Spend at least 15-20 seconds on washing.
  • Carry a disinfectant containing at least 60% alcohol. Use it to wash your hands when soap and water are not available.
  • Regularly clean items and surfaces that many people touch: door handles, keyboards, landline phone tubes, and so on. Use regular household cleaning products, including alcohol-based or chlorine-based cleaning products, or alcohol-based wipes for disinfection.

16 You can recognize coronavirus yourself, without analysis

COVID Analysis

Wrong. COVID‑19 has no specific symptoms to distinguish IT from a cold or flu. Diseases are manifested in the same way: fever, malaise, headache, cough, nasal congestion, difficulty breathing. Usually, with such symptoms, you need to contact a therapist at your place of residence — that is, in a clinic.

COVID‑19 can only be confirmed or disproved under laboratory conditions. You will be offered to take blood tests and make a test for detecting RNA 2019-nCoV by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Until the results are obtained, patients are placed in special isolated wards. If the coronavirus is not confirmed, you will be sent home with the usual treatment for SARS.

Attention! The US Center for disease control and prevention still calls the situation with the virus fast‑developing and unpredictable. This means that data on infection is updated almost every day, and the world is already on the verge of a pandemic that can change the lives of every family.

There may still be a lot we don’t know about SARS-CoV‑2. Therefore, we continue to monitor the information.

See also: How to keep coronavirus away from your home: 5 tips from doctors



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