18 users shared photos showing how they grew up with their Pets

About 27 thousand years ago, our ancestors caught cubs, played with them and decided that they would be extremely useful in hunting. And they didn’t mind — they ate and scratched until they were domesticated and became dogs. Cats millennia ago also decided to get a human, and since then we live with them side by side, and they allow themselves to be loved and occasionally give their attention. Today we can’t imagine how we can exist without a beloved, soft and dear four-legged animal.

18 “Me and my old lady after 10 years”

17 “I found an old photo of me with a cat. We grew up together for 15 years”

16 Even after 10 years, some things are still the same

15 17 years of love

14 “On the left — we took her home for the first time, on the right-22 years later”

13 “As a kitten, he liked to put his arms around my neck. Time passed, but the habit remained”

12 “On the first day of school, I got Alfie. For 16 years until my 20s we were inseparable”

11 Between the photos on the left and right — 10 years

10 “Minnie, when I first saw her, and she’s today”

9 Some things don’t change

8 “We grew up together”

7 First day at home and 10 years later

6 “Recreated a photo with my cat Chandler Bing. 13 years have passed since the photo on the left”

5 “15 years later, we are still best friends”

4 They grew up and matured together

3 “This is my cat Qingchi a month after she came to us. And in the second photo-10 years later. She loves to cuddle and has always been photogenic”

2 “Me and my cat Luna after 13 years”

1 “On the left — my father, when he adopted a one-year-old blind cat, on the right-they are on the 18th anniversary of Cheddar”



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