HomeEntertainment22 dizzying facts about the world that sound like fiction

22 dizzying facts about the world that sound like fiction

We know a lot, have read dozens of books and reviewed hours of documentaries. But the world still does not get tired of surprises. Ferdio, an infographic Agency based in Copenhagen, Learns something new every day and collects dizzying facts about everything in the world in its Factourism project. After getting acquainted with it, we were amazed that 1 teaspoon of honey is the result of a lifetime of 12 bees. Now every morning at tea, we sincerely thank the hardworking insects.

A teaspoon of honey is the result of a lifetime of 12 bees

During its entire life (bees live for 4-5 months), one average bee produces only 1/12 of a teaspoon of honey. So over a spoonful of sweet product that you put in your tea in the morning, 12 bees worked all their lives.

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