Classmates bullied the girl because of her weight, but she had the last laugh. From the pedestal where she stood with the crown

The girl was teased at school because of her weight, but the last one in this story was the heroine herself, because her classmates led her to a new life. For several years, the girl was transformed beyond recognition and came to success, worthy of the award “Miss Great Britain”.

A Resident of the English city of Grimsby, Jen Atkins, most of his studies at school suffered from bullying classmates. All because of her weight, which in her 14 years reached more than 82 kilograms, writes The Sun.

“At school, I tried not to raise my head, but the insults were terrible, and I often came home in tears, – Jen said. — Ironically, food was my comfort, so I always looked forward to eating the most during the day.”

In 2011, when the girl was 17 years old, the situation worsened, as she passed a driver’s license test, after which she constantly went with friends to McDonald’s or a pizzeria.

A year later, Jen had a boyfriend, with whom they also went to bars and restaurants together, as a result of which the girl’s weight became more. At the same time, she noticed changes in her appearance.

The turning point came in 2015 when Jen’s partner broke up with her. The girl was depressed and habitually ate her stress with fast food and other junk food. As in the case of bullying, this way of calming her down.

In the end, the ritual brought her to a weight of 115 kilograms, because of which she stopped getting into her favorite clothes.

Later that year, Atkins went to her annual doctor’s appointment to check on her condition for chronic asthma, and had no idea what the trip would mean for her. The doctor examined her patient and told the girl directly: the weight can greatly affect Jen’s health if she does not start doing something about it.

The doctor’s words strongly influenced the girl, after which she was still able to pull herself together, began to actively engage in sports and revised her diet.

The result was not long in coming after seven months: the girl managed to lose 25 kilograms. In addition to the physical changes, the new lifestyle also affected Jen’s sense of self. She began to feel much more confident.

The transformation soon led her to compete in the 2017 Miss Grimsby pageant on the advice of a friend.

“I never looked at myself as someone special, but I wanted to challenge myself and build my confidence even more. When I took second place, I cried, ” Atkins shared a memory.

In 2018, Jen won the Miss Yorkshire pageant, and in subsequent years competed for the title of Miss great Britain, which she managed to win in 2020. This victory, according to the 26-year-old girl, she owes to the confidence that was acquired for many years.

If it weren’t for the stress of being bullied by her classmates, she might not have ended up in the doctor’s office, which gave her the motivation to change and continue to succeed.



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