The girl showed two photos with Hermione Granger, and people can’t figure out where the impostor is. The cosplayer turned out to be so good that it is indistinguishable from the original. And instagram beauty proved: she and Emma Watson are separated twins as children.
In the twenty-first century, the Internet allows people to make sure that doppelgangers exist. Recently, Twitter users discovered that some stars are too similar to each other. So, Margot Robbie has as many as five copies — and all of them are also Actresses.
On Wednesday, November 11, users of the Reddit site saw another example of an extraordinary similarity. A girl named Ella Norton (ellanorton) published a collage of her photo and a frame from the movie “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Part 2”. According to her, she is engaged in professional cosplay of Hermione. She’s also her Doppelganger.
The bottom of the image shows actress Emma Watson as Hermione Granger. And at the top is Ella, who looks exactly the same.

The redditors were delighted with how much Ella looked like Emma. Its publication gained more than 40 thousand upvotes in just a day. And the comments were not without jokes about impostors from the game Among Us.
Some of the commenters suspected that the girl looks like Hermione only from a certain angle and with special makeup. But as soon as the skeptics saw the other images of the double, their doubts disappeared.

As references, she uses not only moments from “Harry Potter”, but also shots from other films with Watson. So, she repeated the image of Belle from “Beauty and the Beast”.

And sometimes the girl does first take a photo, and then notices the similarity with the famous pictures of the actress.

By the way, Ella is similar to Emma and her characters not only in appearance. In the profile description, she describes herself as a student, bookworm, feminist, and human rights advocate. And in his posts, he often talks about the books he reads.

It’s no secret that the real Emma Watson also stands up for women’s rights and loves to read and study. Unlike many of her colleagues, she always combined working in films with studying at school, and then studied English literature at University.

But commenters were much more impressed with the girl’s photo than the caption. The resemblance to a celebrity completely baffled everyone.