The Neuralink project was created in 2016 and worked on the neurointerface under the cover of secrecy. Musk first spoke about the project at a presentation in July 2019. Neuralink is based on the technology of flexible polymer filaments with electrodes that are implanted in the cortex of the brain, read the activity of neurons and stimulate them. According to the idea, these threads are implanted in the brain by a special sewing robot-surgeon. At the same time, the company plans to create a miniature wireless implant in the conditional future. In the meantime, the description of the technology says about connecting a USB type-C cable to the chip, which can provide the necessary data transfer speed from and to the implant.

At the same time, the global idea is to use This technology to help people with neurological diseases, such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s. And also-to expand the opportunities of ordinary people. In the meantime, the company is looking for mechanical engineers, developers of smartphones and smartwatches, specialists in robotics, histology, and other scientists who could help develop the project.