PETS vs COVID: The immune system of pet owners better resists the attack of the COVID-19

“This issue requires further study, but there is an assumption that here we may be dealing with higher immunity due to contact with coronaviruses specific to Pets, and a more efficient immune system,” the doctor notes. In addition, she noted that this trend is also observed among doctors. In particular, among those who keep cats at home, the least infected, while more and more infected doctors who do not have Pets. One of the theories of increased resistance of furry lovers to a dangerous disease is a cross-reaction.

The immune system of pet owners better resists the attack of the COVID-19
The immune system of pet owners better resists the attack of the COVID-19

“It is known that cats have a form of feline coronavirus that does not affect humans. It is therefore possible that people who have close daily contact with a carrier cat may have antibodies to the feline virus. And these antibodies can also destroy the human virus. This is called a cross-reaction and exists in nature. Of course, to confirm my assumptions, in-depth research and statistics will be required, ” the doctor said.

Looks like it’s another good reason to get yourself a cat!



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