Instagram model complained about the hardships of life with too big Breasts. The owner of magnificent forms is sure that even such beauty has its dark side. Now the girl is forced to go to extreme measures, because she does not attract, but scares men.
Beauty standards change from year to year. Therefore, in the pursuit of beauty trends, many people turn to plastic surgery. However, a good result is not always guaranteed, and the procedure can harm not only appearance, but also health.
Instagram model from Germany Yvonne Bar knows about plastic surgery firsthand, because she herself has repeatedly gone under the knife.

The German woman spent 38 thousand euros (3.5 million rubles) to look her best (taking into account her tastes), writes the Daily Star. Breast surgery, liposuction, lifting, fillers — all these words are familiar to Yvonne.
The girl’s courage can only be envied, because not everyone will dare to do this. However, not everything is so rosy in the life of the model: the stumbling block was her too large Breasts.

The girl admitted that her curvy forms hit men on the spot (literally), so much so that they are afraid to start a relationship with a model. Even Yvonne’s ex-boyfriend was shy about going out with her.
Therefore, the concerned girl decided to take a responsible step-breast reduction.
“Men don’t take me seriously. I feel like I’m scaring off all the good guys, ” Yvonne shared.
In addition to problems with men, the girl received back diseases. Beauty, of course, requires sacrifice, but the weight of the breast was too much.
“Sometimes I can only lie down, so a reduction operation seems like a good idea,” the model said.

Be that as it may, Yvonne does not plan to stop on her beauty transformations. In the future, she wants to fix her nose and do a cheek lift.