21 cats who were forgotten to tell in their childhood that they should be a source of sweetness

Some cats all their lives hear in their address: “Wow, what a sweetheart”, and others proudly bear the title of pest. We bet that it does not bother them at all, because the owners do not stop loving their furry monsters, even when they once again release their claws.

21 His signature pose is “Oh, how you all got me”

20 Owners of sphinxes are already used to cat stretches after sleep. But the very first time they must have flinched

19 I stroked the cat, but it was distorted. Probably from happiness

18 He only has 4 teeth left. But just look at them!

17 Photogenic cat

16 “My cat is very sociable”

15 “She’s yelling at us because it’s been an hour since lunch and she’s starving, poor thing”

14 Some on the handles bask, and others immediately release their claws

13 “My cat attacks the grass”

12 “Go away, human. You don’t belong here”

11 “She makes a face like that every time I pick her up. You see, I’ve overstepped my bounds”

10 “I finally managed to take a picture of my cat yawning”

9 Some cats can frighten the owner even with their way of sleeping

8 Is it a cat or a monster?

7 And the owner is delicious!

6 And you’re not going anywhere

5 “My cat and the neighbor’s cat will be “good” friends”

4 When even a knitted hat doesn’t add to the cuteness

3 Because the cat is more important than any incomprehensible gadgets

2 Portal to another dimension

1 Some “monsters” still try to be cute and charming



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